Pass Plus Driving Course

One week intensive course

Pass Plus Driving Course

One week intensive course

What is Pass Plus Course?

Pass plus driving course is the course for new drivers. Aim to improve your driving skills and make you a safer driver. It can also lead to insurance discounts. The course designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of the motor insurance and driving instruction industries. You can do this course with your driving instructor. The course has been designed in six modules. The course must consist of a minimum of six hours of tuition. Your instructor will supply a training report form, which is used to record your progress. Both you and your instructor will need to sign and date after each module has been completed. Your instructor will then send the training report form to DVSA for your pass plus certificate of completion to be issued.

Pass Plus Driving Course benefits

This course enabling you to gain quality experience safely, and helping you become a more skilful driver. You will be taught how to deal with situations you may not have faced before, Such as driving in fog, rain, snow and ice, driving in the dark, and motorway driving. Teaching you how to develop a positive driving style that is both enjoyable and safe. This course aims to improve your driving skills and make you a safer driver.  The course will help you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards, and help you to become more confident on the road. Reducing your risk of being involved in a road crash. Saving you money on your car insurance premiums. Driving insurance companies reducing it significantly if you have a pass-plus certificate of completion.

Need Help?

Gasim driving school happy to help you with all the information you need about your pass plus driving course and lessons.

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